November Edition - Discover Dance with Barbara Diabo
We continue to create rituals of gathering, meeting in the virtual space with our featured artists to consider their work, inspirations and journey through dance and life. Malavika Santhosh has written about her experience with special guest Barbara Diabo.
Malavika’s experience
The thread of ancestry connected the spaces between Barbara Diabo and her daughter in the dance film Smudge. We had the privilege of uncovering the creation process – from vision, to production, to the unplanned moments in between - of the film during this month’s Discover Dance.
“The notion of ‘Home’ felt much more complex than fixed geographic coordinates for me”
Barbara’s work beautifully captured the contrast of generational differences and brought to light the hidden layers of our heritage that shape who we are. The conversations we shared surfaced reflections from the dancers about the ancestral influence on their own identity. It became evident however, that the answers we seek about these layers goes beyond DNA tests and photographs; rather, the most impactful layers still remain unwritten. These are the ones built from stories passed down, with glamorized alterations added to each narrative every time it’s told.
While Barbara shared her connection to her land and the passing on of traditions, I questioned my own attachment to my ancestral homeland while being a member of the Indian diaspora. The notion of ‘Home’ felt much more complex than fixed geographic coordinates for me. I realized that Home was an idealized collective memory of myths. These were a part of the story of myself - whether I liked them or not. My culture, as I understood it, was the lived experience, the traditions, and the stories passed down by people who now shape my perception of the world. As Barbara continues to uncover more stories behind her layers, I was left asking myself whose stories I carry with me and which ones I want to carry forward.
Discover dance with Barbara Biabo
October 9, 2020